Chicken Marengo

Category : Chicken

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Chicken Marengo

Recipes :

1 tbs Olive Oil

300g Mushrooms

4 Chicken Legs

500g Passata

1 Chicken Stock Cube

100g Black Olives

100g Parsley

Chopped Parsley

Instructions :

  • Heat the oil in a large flameproof casserole dish and stir-fry the mushrooms until they start to soften. Add the chicken legs and cook briefly on each side to colour them a little.
  • Pour in the passata, crumble in the stock cube and stir in the olives. Season with black pepper – you shouldn’t need salt. Cover and simmer for 40 mins until the chicken is tender. Sprinkle with parsley and serve with pasta and a salad, or mash and green veg, if you like.
  • Youtube Tutorials