Feteer Meshaltet

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Feteer Meshaltet

Recipes :

4 cups Flour

1 1/2 cups Water

1/4 tsp Salt

1 cup Unsalted Butter

1/4 cup Olive Oil

Instructions :

  • Mix the flour and salt then pour one cup of water and start kneading.
  • If you feel the dough is still not coming together or too dry, gradually add the remaining water until you get a dough that is very elastic so that when you pull it and it won’t be torn.
  • Let the dough rest for just 10 minutes then divide the dough into 6-8 balls depending on the size you want for your feteer.
  • Warm up the butter/ghee or oil you are using and pour into a deep bowl.
  • Immerse the dough balls into the warm butter. Let it rest for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Preheat oven to 550F.
  • Stretch the first ball with your hands on a clean countertop. Stretch it as thin as you can, the goal here is to see your countertop through the dough.
  • Fold the dough over itself to form a square brushing in between folds with the butter mixture.
  • Set aside and start making the next ball.
  • Stretch the second one thin as we have done for the first ball.
  • Place the previous one on the middle seam side down. Fold the outer one over brushing with more butter mixture as you fold. Set aside.
  • Keep doing this for the third and fourth balls. Now we have one ready, place on a 10 inch baking/pie dish seam side down and brush the top with more butter.
  • Repeat for the remaining 4 balls to make a second one. With your hands lightly press the folded feteer to spread it on the baking dish.
  • Place in preheated oven for 10 minutes when the feteer starts puffing turn on the broiler to brown the top.
  • When it is done add little butter on top and cover so it won’t get dry.
  • Youtube Tutorials